Sarah Wells Bags


Breast Pump Bags


Category: Newborn/Infant necessities and gifts
Special: 10% off ALL Sarah Wells Breast Pump Bags at using coupon code USDW3SU3 (through August 15 at 11:59pm ET).


After the birth of my daughter, I had my entrepreneurial “light bulb moment” and launched Sarah Wells Breast Pump Bags, based on a stylish and functional designer handbag that replaces the frustrating tradition of carrying a cheap vinyl breast pump bag. Since that time, my business has grown by leaps and bounds, while I speak with women from across the country about the blessing and challenges of motherhood. I am a mom, an entrepreneur and a women’s health advocate. Prior to my business venture, I spent 15 years running national nonprofit organizations committed to achieving quality healthcare for Americans, with a personal passion to improve policies for girls and women.


Style + function for new moms = Sarah Wells Breast Pump Bags #breastpumpbag